Author: admin

How to be Present in Parenting

How to be Present in Parenting

3 minute read. Being present. You may here it often in this current wave of mindfulness. What does be present mean? Being present means that you are having your focus, attention, thoughts and feelings fixed on what is happening in the moment. In the present, 

How To Give Your Husband Daily Attention

How To Give Your Husband Daily Attention

I’ve spoken about having acceptance for your husband, admiration for your husband and appreciation for your husband; however, there are other principles that I would like to add to the list of daily deposits. This deposit is attention. Wives are wonderful at showing attention to 

Favorite Holiday Rituals

Favorite Holiday Rituals

If you know me, you know that I love to create festive traditions for my family VERY often.It’s the little celebrations and rituals that creates a safe space to love, grow, reflect and show gratitude. Creating celebrations and family rituals with my family helps us to strengthen the identity within the family.

There are rites-of-passage rituals, weekly rituals, monthly rituals, birthday rituals and even  DAILY rituals! Okay, okay. I know your probably thinking that’s just a bit too much. The truth is, you create rituals too. Every day, you create rituals for yourself and your family without knowing it. I choose to create loving and lasting memories for the family by being intentional of actions. Tiny celebrations of self and family bring a since of uniqueness in dealing with loss, trauma, happy moments, events, and more.

This season of love and light is no different in my duty of organizing fun, celebrations for this month of a very special birthday, winter solstice, kwanzaa and the ending of the year.

The Favorite family winter solstice is what I would like to share with you all. Winter solstice falls on the day of December 21st and represents a day to observe for various traditions and customs. Because winter solstice falls on the birthday of a very important man in my life (my husband), our winter observation happens on the 25th of December! We have been doing this celebration for 6 years and this year, nothing has changed.  There is an excerpt by Women’s Health that explains the stance of winter solstice perfectly:

“ The winter solstice has carried strong symbolism for many, many years. Some refer to solstice as the rebirth of the sun—and not coincidentally Christmas celebrates the birth of the Son. Solstice can be a magical, contemplative time—a night of spiritual re-connection and ritual.”

Winter solstice is our time to celebrate renewal, rebirth and gratitude.

  1. I love doing seasonal activities with the children in preparation for our winter solstice celebration. This usually includes an “advent” calendar of some sort. This year, our advent calendar is made from wood and branches decorated with white beads. I like to look at this as a seasonal gift of nature. Soon, we will be doing crafts with holly, fir, mistletoe and pine cones, if we can find them.
  2. Listening to jazz music through this season is one I treasure. My jazz holiday starts at December 1st with a whole concert of music in my head for the season. It’s the best music to clean to as well.
  3. This next one is special for me and our extended family members. We have a cookie exchange! Yes, an actual cookie exchange but the catch is, its all through the mail. A week before Christmas,the children and I get our cookies ready to send to the grandparents. At the same time, we record our baking experience and send It to them in a video message. They do the same for us. They love that special treat. The cookies always arrive on the same day our cookies are expected to arrive to the grandparents. Chocolate chip cookies, ginger cookies and sugar cookies for the children to decorate. We package it in decorated jars and enjoy the idea of making them smile.
  4. The biggest part of the season is my baking from scratch. I love being creative in the kitchen. Food is an important part to our winter solstice celebration as we have a dinner that same day, filled with foods from the season.
  5. The important message of the season is giving back. December is the time I donate the most. Clothing, jackets, toys and decorations are sent to our local shelter for those to feel the  goodness of this winter solstice time.
  6. There is no one specific way to celebrate the winter solstice time. For our family, the solstice time is a time of turning inward in meditation, stillness, peace and family. We love to have a festive time but the night before our winter solstice celebration, we meditate together and reflect on what has been and what will be the new year.
  7. It’s our time to slow down. The night of our solstice celebration, we meditate in our living room of lit candles.  
  8. Most importantly, my husband and I write a list of things we want to release going into the new year, on a piece of paper. We go outside together and burn our list in a fire to symbolize our commitment of release. Be sure to start your list with ‘ I release…’

How do you spend your season? What rituals do you create for your family to engage in? I would love to hear.

In future posts, I will share other rituals that our family does together. In the mean time, click here to find out how you can incorporate rituals for you and your family. You don't have to have a large family to incorporate rituals. You don't have to have a family at all. Rituals are a way to incorporate sense of self into your daily life. Try it! 

All images included in this post are from Google Images. 

The Second A: A Fascinating Series

The Second A: A Fascinating Series

The Second A: Admiration It has been as of recent that I’ve heard that admiration is “the cry of a man’s soul.” A man is often drawn to the one that praises and admires him. This is an important secret that every wife should know. 

The First A: A Fascinating Series

The First A: A Fascinating Series

This post marks the beginning of a very needed series to The Fascinating Wife. Its a series I’m calling, A Fascinating Series. With A Fascinating Series, my mission is to touch, inspire, speak and share a perspective on marriage that is less ordinary for the 

Accepting your Husband

Accepting your Husband

I was always told that the secret to a happy, and lasting marriage was communication. This word, communication, was plastered in my mind as the answer for every marriage situation when I first got married. If something didn’t go my way in a marriage, I was always told to have a sit-down about it. It was expected to be a “serious conversation” where we can ‘communicate’ about my feelings.

This is not the key to a happy and joyous marriage. A few months in, I found out that the ‘communication’ aspect of marriage is nagging and annoying. Having to constantly communicate likes and dislikes are not desirable for a stable marriage. There are many keys to having a genuinely happy marriage and most of those keys unlock the doors to our feminine grace as women.

The first key that I go over in my classes is acceptance. The primary method of accepting your husband is to focus on his positive qualities. All humans are made up of strength and weaknesses. When you focus on the weaknesses of your husband, it becomes difficult to have affection towards him. Focusing on the weaknesses of your husband also makes it difficult for you to love him at your very best. Can you imagine what it would be like if our husband thought about our constant weaknesses? Too many women get into a marriage and feel cheated when their husband shows a negative tendency. Negative tendencies can be dishonesty, hygiene, or even moodiness.

Husbands easily overlook negativity just as long as you aren’t putting them through emotional turmoil and are giving regular sex. Wives look at negativity from their husbands and immediately change their whole perspective on who they married. Next thing you know, the woman is feeling cheated and tricked as if she married a man she didn’t know.

Choosing to set your mind on your husband’s strengths will help you view his positive attributes. You can not expect your husband to accept your negatives while not accepting his. Some women feel like they have a personal responsibility to change their husbands into someone better suited for them. Men do a lot of things that may not be to the standard of women; however, they are heroic, courageous nature should be looked at instead of ignored. The natural ability for a man to provide and protect is also other natures that is ignored by their wives.
Your husband’s inadequate ability for emotional intimacy should not be a laser focus of his worth.

The best environment for a husband to grow is not an environment full of whining and critical expectations. The best environment for a husband to grow is one that speaks a language he can hear, feel and understand.


Charlene Favorite

The Fascinating Wife



Being a wife is such a beautiful feeling. The feeling of being protected and taken care of is an old familiar feeling, left by my father, that I will always cherish. The union of marriage is a sacred union.  Some of the millennial teachings tell