Accepting your Husband

I was always told that the secret to a happy, and lasting marriage was communication. This word, communication, was plastered in my mind as the answer for every marriage situation when I first got married. If something didn’t go my way in a marriage, I was always told to have a sit-down about it. It was expected to be a “serious conversation” where we can ‘communicate’ about my feelings.

This is not the key to a happy and joyous marriage. A few months in, I found out that the ‘communication’ aspect of marriage is nagging and annoying. Having to constantly communicate likes and dislikes are not desirable for a stable marriage. There are many keys to having a genuinely happy marriage and most of those keys unlock the doors to our feminine grace as women.

The first key that I go over in my classes is acceptance. The primary method of accepting your husband is to focus on his positive qualities. All humans are made up of strength and weaknesses. When you focus on the weaknesses of your husband, it becomes difficult to have affection towards him. Focusing on the weaknesses of your husband also makes it difficult for you to love him at your very best. Can you imagine what it would be like if our husband thought about our constant weaknesses? Too many women get into a marriage and feel cheated when their husband shows a negative tendency. Negative tendencies can be dishonesty, hygiene, or even moodiness.

Husbands easily overlook negativity just as long as you aren’t putting them through emotional turmoil and are giving regular sex. Wives look at negativity from their husbands and immediately change their whole perspective on who they married. Next thing you know, the woman is feeling cheated and tricked as if she married a man she didn’t know.

Choosing to set your mind on your husband’s strengths will help you view his positive attributes. You can not expect your husband to accept your negatives while not accepting his. Some women feel like they have a personal responsibility to change their husbands into someone better suited for them. Men do a lot of things that may not be to the standard of women; however, they are heroic, courageous nature should be looked at instead of ignored. The natural ability for a man to provide and protect is also other natures that is ignored by their wives.
Your husband’s inadequate ability for emotional intimacy should not be a laser focus of his worth.

The best environment for a husband to grow is not an environment full of whining and critical expectations. The best environment for a husband to grow is one that speaks a language he can hear, feel and understand.


Charlene Favorite

The Fascinating Wife