Remaining Present in Parenting
With three children under the age of 7, I can gather how parenting in the present can be difficult. At times, we as parents, are unable to respond to our children authentically due to our own mental preoccupation.
During those times we might ask ourselves, " How can I be calm when I am a storm inside? How can I let you be your authentic self when I'm lost on who I am?
Being a parent often demands that we put our aching hearts, scattered minds and broken spirits on the back burner until their needs are met. At these times, the way out of the pain is through it. Allow your pain to be what it is and sit with the emotions it brings. Over time, I have realized that if I sit with my emotions, I can gather what my inner child needs to be calm. Once I know, I can do what my inner child requires. After collecting myself, I am ready to nurture, serve and guide my children, providing them with myself, authentically.
When we serve our children in a reasonable and consistent manner, respectful of their dignity as our spiritual partners and friends, we enter a state of humility and gratitude. We give back because we received so much. In doing so, we create a circle of lasting kinship and spiritual regeneration."